Willa’s Dairy-Free Oat Milk Pumpkin Pie

Then it dawned on us...could we find a substitute for evaporated milk? As it turns out, oat milk is the PERFECT SWAP.
No need for evaporated milk! Swap in Willa’s Organic Oat Milk!
Our mother accepted the challenge. We were worried about changing a family recipe for pumpkin pie that is such a traditional favorite.
Evaporated milk is a high-protein, creamy milk product used in many recipes. It is made by heating regular milk to remove about 60% of the water, creating a concentrated and slightly caramelized version of milk.
Willa’s Barista and Willa’s Unsweetened Original Oat Milk are both MUCH CREAMIER than the typical plant based milk. Neither are watery. Thus, they work beautifully in a recipe like this one, as well as puddings and other desserts.
Pumpkin pie made dairy free without compromises.
Sometimes making dairy-free swaps means compromising on the flavor or texture or some other element. To our delight, this recipe seems to be the exact opposite. It’s even better when made with oat milk instead of dairy or evaporated milk! In fact, our friends and family who aren’t dairy free have said they now prefer pumpkin pie with this recipe!
The texture comes out just as beautifully as it does when it’s made with dairy or evaporated milk.
Also, if anything, the oat milk brings out the pumpkin flavor. It doesn’t distract.
Oat milk using honest ingredients and the entire whole oat.
You can also feel better about knowing what’s going into your food. This recipe is delicious and you can indulge knowing that when you bake with Willa’s Oat Milk, you’re also getting the nutrition of the whole grain oat.
This recipe is, of course, dairy-free when you use Willa’s Oat Milk. It can be made vegan-friendly by swapping out the eggs for a vegan substitute of your choice. Either way, this pie is sure to be a hit at your Thanksgiving table with dairy-free, and dairy-ok friends alike.

For more pumpkin recipes, check our Willa’s Almond and Oat Pumpkin Bread , Pumpkin Oat Milk Nice Cream, Oat Milk Pumpkin Spice Creamer, and Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins.
And find more recipes from Willa’s here.