Kate’s Blueberry Chia Pudding

When we discovered chia puddings, it was a revelation. Some mornings, the last thing you want to do is have to make another decision...especially, what am I going to have for breakfast? And what do I even have time to make? For those who are dairy free, egg free and / or vegan breakfast options worth getting up for can be hard to come by!
With chia pudding, you can make a super healthy delicious breakfast the night before, and stir it together in a matter of seconds. Plus, it provides something novel to get out of bed for in the morning. :)
Willa’s Barista Oat Milk, and Willa’s Unsweetened Original Oat Milk work beautifully in chia puddings of all kinds. We’ve made them with all kinds of nuts, dried fruit, fresh fruits, oats, date syrup, maple syrup, and honey. With good ingredients, you really can’t go wrong! Equally, it’s easy to get into a breakfast rut and have the same thing everyday, which allows for simplicity, but not variety in terms of flavors or nutrients. Even switching it up with some chopped pistachios, or some cinnamon can help.
The oatiness of Willa’s use of the whole grain oat gives chia puddings a subtle a nutty flavor, and an extra punch of fiber and protein. Plus, Willa’s is so creamy you don’t have to worry about waking up to soupy pudding in the morning.
We love Kate Daugherty at the Facility Denver’s recipe because she also drops in some raw honey (yummy and anti-inflammatory), as well as a tablespoon of collagen for those who want to start their day with an extra shot of protein. Kate is a functional nutritionist who knows how to make delicious recipes. She also offers lots of swaps in them so you can whip something together that will taste great no matter your preference or what you have in your pantry.
We’ve also been known to throw in some oats for good measure.
Chia seeds take on a gel-like consistency when soaked. For a smoother ‘pudding’ consistency, completely blend in chia seeds.
If you’re looking for more recipes from Kate, check out her Pumpkin Oat Bread. For more breakfast recipes, check out our Healthy Fall Breakfast Muffins, Paleo Pumpkin Pancake Donuts, Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins (which can easily be made dairy free), or Lauren’s Banana Bread Muffins.
If you want to learn more about the health benefits of substituting oat milk check out some of our other blog posts. We dive into why we use whole grain oats, sugar levels in oat milk, and the importance of fiber in our oat milk.